Price Pledge

Hotel Direct's mission is to provide the very best value available in quality, fresh hotel accommodation. How do we do this? We buy thousands of room nights from the hotel operators listed on these pages and we run a lean modern operation.

We are so confident that you will not find a better discount hotel rate that we are providing this pledge.

Find a lower price within 48 hours of your purchase and we’ll refund the difference or cancel your accommodation free of charge and refund the full amount.

Naturally, this price pledge applies to competitive discount prices available for the same hotel, room type, date and Bed & Breakfast package with all taxes included.

To provide us with adequate time to cancel your accommodation if necessary, application must be made to Hotel Direct at least 3 working days before the first date of stay.

Hotel Direct will at its discretion reimburse you for the difference or cancel the hotel accommodation at no charge and reimburse you for the full cost.

Theatre breaks and Advanced Purchase rates are excluded.